File Upload Instruction Page.
When sending your artwork and attachments to us please follow these instructions.
Before you upload any files please read these guidelines.
Please do NOT e-mail files to us!
E-mail files are often corrupted through the e-mail process. The average e-mail message goes through five different servers before they reach there destination. This means there is a high chance your attachment will not be readable when it gets to us..
Files names should be labeled as follows: (your companyname)_(jobname).(type of file) For example if your Company Name is ABC Company, and the job name is Sally’s Business Cards, and the file type is a .GIF file then the name of the file should be:
abc_sallybusinesscards.gif or ABC_sally.gif
Upper and lower case names are acceptable. This process allows us to easily identify the work being submitted. It will also reduce the risk of file transfers being overwritten by others. (The risk of this is slim, but it is a good idea to name files as requested.)
We do NOT accept any executable files. This includes but is not limited to .exe, .cgi, .dll, or system files. Any such files will be deleted immediately. Anyone abusing this policy will be banned from our site.